Health, Science Devin Martin Health, Science Devin Martin

Practically Ideal

My friend Logan has a great podcast called Practically Ideal, “the podcast for idealists who like to keep it practical.” Aside from having a great name they offer a somewhat Libertarian take on technology, media and politics.

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Consciousness, Meditation, Science Devin Martin Consciousness, Meditation, Science Devin Martin

Nuns Control Body Temperature with Their Minds

We know that Breathing Exercises have an amazing number of positive effects on your physiology. The breath is the link between our conscious and unconscious processes, the way to establish a conscious link between our awareness and our autonomic nervous system. Well, when you combine meditation and breathing exercises with visualizations the results are astounding.

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Insights, Mindfulness, Science Devin Martin Insights, Mindfulness, Science Devin Martin

Yoga May Increase Gray Matter in the Brain

Increasingly, scientists are conducting studies looking at how practices such as yoga and meditation effect the brain. For centuries in the east there has been a tradition of rigorous practice and acceptance of yogic techniques as being beneficial for people in innumerable ways. For better and worse the west is not often convinced by anecdote or public consensus alone. We love to attempt to create a controlled environment and then adjust one variable and see what results. This is the basis for our scientific method.

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Consciousness, Health, Integral, Science Devin Martin Consciousness, Health, Integral, Science Devin Martin

Mushrooms Becoming Legal

Integral New York (disclosure: I am an organizer) hosted Alexander Belser for a presentation and discussion titled “Taking Mushrooms Before Dying: Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy”. Belser and his research team at New York University are part of a small group of scientists who, in recent years, have gotten government approval to conduct studies on the potential health effects of psilocybin, the active compound in “magic mushrooms”. Currently, psychedelic mushrooms are a schedule 1 drug. This makes them the most illegal of all drugs.

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Consciousness, Science Devin Martin Consciousness, Science Devin Martin

Treat Depression Without Drugs

Perhaps you’ve heard of the studies saying that smiling in the mirror is more effective than Prozac? It feels ridiculous. Then it works. Today I love my life. I got here through a wealth of techniques, some detailed below, all of which are now a part of my approach to coaching others through shifting their consciousness.

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Worksite stress reduction through a Transcendental Meditation Program

Studies that look at the impact on individuals in a testing environment are becoming increasingly common. Less common are attempts to look at how meditation effects people inside a work environment. Can meditation really help us at work?

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Health, Science Devin Martin Health, Science Devin Martin

Are Statins Safe?

Statins are the biggest money maker in pharmaceuticals right now. This is an incontrovertible fact. The scary thing is that this does not appear to be based on a comprehensive understanding of available data. For the first time in history we have scientists doing meta-analysis of many years of research and assumption.

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Consciousness, Health, Integral, Science Devin Martin Consciousness, Health, Integral, Science Devin Martin

Consciousness and Healing

I am just finishing reading Consciousness and Healing. It is encouraging to know that some 67 doctors feel strongly enough about an integral approach to medicine to put such a book together. It doesn’t quite make we want to break my decade long moratorium on paid medical assistance, but I feel good knowing that should the need arise, they will be there.

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